News and Announcements

WebPhone 4.0.24108 - Tuesday, December 10, 2024

A new version for the JavaScript SIP client is available today. This is a quality upgrade with bug fixes only. The new features will be merged into the upcoming major new version, which is planned to be released in May.


JVoIP 9.2.24106 - Thursday, December 5, 2024

A new version for the JVoIP SIP library for Java is available. This is a quality upgrade with bug fixes only. The new features will be merged into the upcoming major new version, which is planned to be released in May.

JVoIP homepage

WebPhone 4.0 - Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A major new version for the JavaScript SIP client has been released today with a long list of improvements and new features.


JVoIP 9.2 - Thursday, June 20, 2024

A major new version for the Java SIP library is available with new features, improvements, bug fixes and updated documentation.

JVoIP homepage

MRTC 3.6 - Monday, June 17, 2024

A new release for the WebRTC-SIP gateway have been published today.

WebRTC-SIP Gateway home page
Change list
Download (free version win installer)

MizuPhone 4.0 - Saturday, June 15, 2024

A new version for the Windows Softphone has been released today with our latest SIP/media stack.


We can provide custom builds with your branding and settings as described HERE.

SIP SDK for Windows - Saturday, June 15, 2024

A new version for the Windows SIP SDK (MVoIPSDK) has been released today with the latest SIP/RTP stack. 
You can use this SDK to create VoIP applications on Windows or to add VoIP call capabilities into any Windows application in any programming language or framework.

Android SIP Library - Thursday, June 13, 2024

A new release for the Android SIP Library is available today with the SIP and media stack refreshed to latest.
With this library you can add VoIP call capabilities into any Android app or develop an app for VoIP calls/softphone/callcenter client/android call automation/IoT solution/voiceboot/automotive/etc.

Android Softphone 4.2 - Thursday, June 13, 2024

A new release for the Android softphone is available today with the SIP and media stack refreshed to latest.
We can provide a trial if you are interested in a customized softphone or you can build your own HERE.

SIP SBC and Push notifications - Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A major new release for the SIP-SBC and for the SIP-Push notification gateway have been published.

SIP-Push notifications

VoIP Server 10.0 - Friday, June 7, 2024

A major new version for the VoIP server has been released today. 
The new version comes with a new alerter module, server-to-server tunneling, FCM HTTP v1 API support and many other new features, improvements and bug fixes.


Roadmap - Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A major new version for most of our VoIP software will be released next month in June. 

This is our biggest yearly release and it will cover all server side software (softswitch, gateways, sbc), SIP libraries (webphone, Java/Android/Windows SIP library) and the softphones.

Stay tuned!

Website -new engine - Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The website engine has been replaced to a more secure backend with better security and responsive design. The old skin has been mostly reimplemented and we haven't made any content changes yes. We plan to improve the content as a next step, but this process will be done only gradually in the next months to avoid abrupt changes at once. 

SIP-PUSH gateway -new release - Monday, January 22, 2024

An upgrade for the MPUSH (SIP Push notifications) gateway have been released today.
This new version implements the the new FCM HTTP v1 API and includes other improvements and bug fixes.

SIP Push Gateway homepage
Upgrade guide (for exisitng customers)

VoIP stack upgrade - Monday, January 8, 2024

A new version for the SIP, WebRTC and media stack libraries have been released today and most of our VoIP software have been upgraded.
This is a quality upgrade with bug fixes and improvements; no new features have been merged into this release.

The following softwares have been updated with the new stack:

  • VoIP Server
  • WebRTC-SIP gateway
  • Push gateway
  • Webphone
  • Windows softhone
  • JVoIP
  • AJVoIP
JVoIP 9.0 - Tuesday, July 11, 2023

A new version for the Java SIP library is available with lots of new features, improvements, bug fixes and updated documentation.
Now with notification objects, full video support, streaming API and many more. See the changes for more details.

JVoIP homepage

WebPhone 3.8 - Tuesday, June 27, 2023

A new version for the JS SIP client have been released today with a long list of improvements and new features.


VoIP Server 9.8 - Wednesday, June 21, 2023

A major new version for the Softswitch have been released with many improvements and new features.


The free compact edition can be downloaded from here.

SBC and Push - Thursday, June 15, 2023

A new release for the SIP SBC and the SIP-Push gateway have been published today.

SIP-Push Gateway

MRTC 3.4 - Tuesday, June 6, 2023

A new release for the WebRTC-SIP gateway have been published today.

WebRTC-SIP Gateway home page
Change list

SIP for Windows - Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A new version for the SIP SDK and Softphone have been released today for the Windows platform with all the SIP/media stack improvements from the last months. Custom builds can be also generated now from the online softphone customization service.

SIP SDK for Windows
Windows softphone

AJVoIP - Monday, May 1, 2023

A major new version for the Android SIP Library (AJVoIP) have been released today with many improvements.


MizuDroid 4.0 - Sunday, April 2, 2023

A major new version (v.4.0) of our Android softphone have been published today with many new features, improvements and bug fixes.
Custom builds can be also generated now from the softphone build service.

WebPhone license - Friday, March 31, 2023

The Basic license have been removed.

The webphone basic license was suitable only for browsers with Java support (such as IE) and we included this license initially in 2015 to be able to offer an upgrade path for our old Java Applet based webphone customers. Since modern browsers doesn't have Java support anymore, this license type lost its meanig and we don't offer it anymore.

The new Basic license is the same like the old Standard, including also NS and WebRTC VoIP engines.

No other changes have been made, all pricing are the same and we will continue to support also our old customers with the old Basic/Java only license regarding to their license plan.

WebPhone licensing


Online softphone builder - Thursday, February 2, 2023

The new online softphone builder service is out of beta and available for everyone.
Customize and build your SIP softphone in the cloud and get a trial or purchase and download your licensed copy.
The service allows you to fully customize and generate softphones for Web, Windows, Android, iOS and other platforms.
The customizations includes server settings, branding, icon, logo, colors, language, links, API integration and many more, including more than 100 advanced settings.
Once you finished with the customization, the selected softphones will be built for you in short time and you will receive the download link by email.
You can come back at any time to change your settings, request a new softphone, download your last build, buy and download your licensed copy or to rebuild your trial or licensed copy from the latest source code release.

Try now

JVoIP 8.8 - Tuesday, June 14, 2022

A major new version for the Java SIP library is available now, with a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes.


MRTC 3.2 - Tuesday, June 7, 2022

A major new release for the WebRTC-SIP gateway is available today.


WebPhone 3.6 - Thursday, June 2, 2022

A major new version for the browser SIP client have been released today.


Software upgrade - Tuesday, May 24, 2022

As part of our big 2022 release, today we published a major new version for a list of our VoIP software:

The new version of the WebRTC-SIP gateway, WebPhone and JVoIP are also in the final phase and will be published soon.

Softswitch 9.6 - Wednesday, May 18, 2022

We are pleased to announce the release of VoIP Server Version 9.6!

This is a major new version with tons of improvements and new features.


The free compact edition can be downloaded from here.

MVoIPSDK - Tuesday, May 17, 2022

A new version for the Windows SIP SDK have been released today with a long list of improvements.


MizuPhone 3.6 - Wednesday, May 11, 2022

A new version (v.3.6) of our windows softphone is available today with an updated SIP and media stack.
We can provide customized releases with your branding and settings either separately per platform (such as Windows only) or softphones for all the major platforms (Windows, Android, iOS, Web, others).

February Upgrade - Wednesday, February 9, 2022

We have released an upgrade for almost all our software today.
This is a smaller bugfix release with a list of bug fixes, improvements and optimizations for the SIP/WebRTC/media stacks and it doesn't contain any major new features. New modules and features will be merged into the upcoming major new versions which are planned to be released in May.

Android Upgrade - Tuesday, December 21, 2021

A new version for the Android SIP SDK and for the Android softphone is available today with bug fixes, improvements and optimizations.
Includes also the fix for the incoming call issue with service and push notification.

JVoIP 8.6 - Friday, June 4, 2021

A major new version for the Java SIP library is available now, with a long list of new features, improvements and bug fixes.


Softswitch 9.4 - Thursday, June 3, 2021

A major new version for the VoIP server is available today with many new features/improvements/bug fixes for the SIP, WebRTC and media stacks.


Major releases - Wednesday, June 2, 2021

These days we are releasing a new version for most of our software based VoIP solutions.
These new versions unleashes all our background works in the last year with improvements across many axis, from performance to various fixes, to new features.

For the WebRTC-SIP gateway and the iOS SDK you can already see the release announcement and a major new version for the webphone was already released in April.

Today we also upgraded our SIP SBC, SIP-PUSH gateway, Windows softphone and Windows SIP SDK.

In the next days we are going to publish our new JVoIP and VoIP server and we plan to upgrade our Android stack a bit later in this month: both the Android SIP SDK and the Android softphone, including a MizuDroid refresh on the Google Play store.

MRTC 3.0. - Tuesday, June 1, 2021

A new version for the WebRTC-SIP gateway is available today.


iOS SDK - Tuesday, May 18, 2021

We released a PJSIP based solution for iOS. This is provided as a bundled solution with other SDK's to cover all the major platforms. The iOS SIP stack is the only one where we haven't built our solution for scratch, but we provide a PJSIP based solution "as-is" for our partners with preconfigured XCode project, examples and documentation for iOS SIP development.

More details

WebPhone 3.4 - Monday, April 26, 2021

We are pleased to announce the availability of our new webphone release v.3.4.
This is a major new version with new features and a long list of improvements and bug fixes.


MizuDroid 3.6 - Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The new release (3.6.16) of our MizuDroid Android softphone have been published today to Google Play.
Customized Andoid softphone builds are available with your branding/settings, unlimited users/calls.
A new version for the Android SDK (AJVoIP) is also available.

VoIP Stack upgrade - Wednesday, February 3, 2021

We upgraded the SIP/WebRTC/media stack for most of our software with several minor improvements and various bug fixes.
This is a quality upgrade with no new features, affecting the followings:

MRTC 2.8.20121 - Friday, December 11, 2020

We have updated our WebRTC-SIP gateway with DTLS v.1.2 support.

MizuDroid 3.4.29 - Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The new release of our MizuDroid android softphone have been published to Google Play and is available now to download with 100% rollout.
Customized builds are available with your branding/settings, unlimited users/calls.

WebPhone 3.2 - Thursday, August 20, 2020

We are pleased to announce the availability of our new webphone release v.3.2.
This new release comes with many new features, improvements and bug fixes.


Android - Wednesday, August 19, 2020
A new version (3.4) for our Android SDK and softphone is availabe.
This is a major new quality upgrade with a long list of bug fixes, improvements and performance optimizations.
Customized builds are available with your branding/settings, unlimited users/calls.
The new MizuDroid have been also published on Google Play today, but it will take a few days to become available with full rollout.
AJVoIP - Thursday, June 11, 2020

We are pleased to announce the new version (v.3.2) for the Android SIP SDK (AJVoIP).

This is a major new release with all the changes for our Android/Java SIP and media stack since 2019 June including a long list of improvements, bug fixes, new features and optimizations.


WebRTC-SIP gateway 2.8 - Wednesday, June 10, 2020

A major new release of our WebRTC-SIP gateway/proxy (MRTC) is availbale from today.

This new release got all the cumulative changes for the SIP, WebRTC and media stack since 2019 June with many new features, improvements and bug fixes.

WebRTC-SIP Gateway homepage
Version history (changes)
Download MRTC (Free)

SIP Push Notification Gateway - Friday, June 5, 2020
A new version for the SIP Push Gateway is available today with a long list of improvements and new features including HTTP/2 APNS support and RFC 8599 support.
Add push notification capability for your SIP server and apps on any platform (Android, iOS, Web).
2020 VoIP software releases - Wednesday, June 3, 2020

We are refreshing all our VoIP software now.
These are not just minor new builds but major new releases, containing all cumulative upgrades since 2019 June -one year of our work effort introducing many new features.

Today we released the IP-PBX for Windows and the SIP SBC.
We also released a minor upgrade for the Java SIP SDK (which got its major upgrade two months ago).

In the past weeks we already released a new version for the Webphone and for Windows softphone, iOS softphone and Android softphone.

In the next days we are going to release the major new version for our WebRTC-SIP gateway and SIP Push notification gateway.
The new Android SIP SDK will be also released very soon and we also plan to publish a webphone upgrade later this month.

MizuPhone for Windows - Monday, June 1, 2020

The new MizuPhone for Windows is available from today.
Free for individuals for non-commercial usage or take our custom/branded softphone builds for companies.

Download Installer

Softswitch 9.2 - Thursday, April 30, 2020

We are pleased to announce the release of VoIP Server Version 9.2!

This is a major new version with tons of improvements and new features.


The free compact edition can be downloaded from here.

MizuPhone for iOS 3.5 - Saturday, April 18, 2020

A new version of our iOS softphone is available with new features, bug fixes and improvements, including push notification support, better GUI for the latest iphones (iPhone 11), better call quality and stability.

Custom white-label builds are available with your branding/settings, unlimited users/calls.

More details about iOS Softphone
Download iOS softphone from App Store

MizuDroid 3.2 - Thursday, April 9, 2020
A new version (3.2) for our Android softphone is availabe from today.
This is a major new release with many new features and improvements, including native call integration, multi-account improvements, multi-call handling, push notification and call receiver improvements, SIP and media stack upgrade, user interface responsivity and many other improvements and bug fixes.
Customized builds are available with your branding/settings, unlimited users/calls.

Google Play

JVoIP 8.0 - Thursday, March 19, 2020

A new version (v.8.0) of the JVoIP Java SIP library is available today.
This is a major new version with many new features, improvements and bug fixes.


WebPhone 3.0 - Tuesday, March 3, 2020

We are pleased to announce the availability of our new webphone release v.3.0.
This is a major new version with many new features, improvements and bug fixes.


SIP clients - Thursday, July 18, 2019
All our softphones have been refreshed with many new features and improvements:

We provide customized/branded versions for companies.
See our softphone offer here.
MRTC - Friday, June 28, 2019
A new release is available for download with fixed call authentication bug and fixed download link.
WebPhone 2.9 - Friday, June 21, 2019
A minor upgrade is available with a few bug fixes and improvements.
This is a smaller upgrade for the 2.9. version which was released last month.

Softswitch v.9.0 - Tuesday, June 18, 2019
A major new release for the VoIP server is available now with many new features and improvements.

The unlimited free compact edition is also available.
SIP SDK - Thursday, June 13, 2019
A major new release for all our SIP SDK is available now.

WebRTC-SIP gateway 2.6 - Friday, June 7, 2019
We are pleased to announce a major new release of our WebRTC-SIP gateway/proxy (MRTC).

This new release got all the cumulative changes for the SIP, WebRTC and media stack since 2018 September with many new features, improvements and bug fixes.

WebRTC-SIP Gateway homepage
Version history-Changes
Download MRTC (Free) 
MizuDroid 3.0 - Friday, May 31, 2019
New upgrade for the Android softphone is availabe.

This is a major new release with many new features and improvements, including Android Q optimizations, 64 bit support, QR code based auto provisioning, new native call integration module, group chat, push for chat and many more.

Google Play 
WebPhone 2.9 - Tuesday, May 28, 2019
A new major release for the browser SIP client is available with many improvements, bug fixes and new features.

SIP PUSH Gateway - Wednesday, May 22, 2019
A new version for the SIP Push Gateway is available today with a long list of improvements.

Add push notification capability to your SIP client on any platform (Android, iOS, Web) using any SIP server, softswitch or IP-PBX.

SIP SBC - Monday, May 20, 2019
SIP SBC 1.6 is available.

A compact robust SBC for your SIP network with endless possibilities.

Download Installer
JVoIP 7.4 - Friday, May 10, 2019
The new major release for the Java SIP SDK is available from today with new features and all cumulative updates for the SIP/media stack.
2019 Upgrades - Tuesday, March 19, 2019
The biggest software upgrades for this year is scheduled to start next month.
Almost all our VoIP software received new modules and a very long list of improvements.
We plan to begin publishing the new releases stating from April 11.
MizuDroid 2.8 - Friday, January 4, 2019
A new release for the Android Softphone is available today which doesn't require Call Log permissions anymore (READ_CALL_LOG, WRITE_CALL_LOG, PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS).

Bugfix release - Monday, December 24, 2018
A bugfix release for the webphone and JVoIP Java SIP library is available today.

Happy Holidays!
Compact servers - Friday, December 14, 2018
We have refreshed the downloadable installer for all compact servers today.
The new versions contains many new features and improvements as in this upgrade we merged all our works from the past 5 months on the SIP stack, WebRTC stack and media stack.

Webphone v.2.6 - Tuesday, December 4, 2018
A new major release for the browser SIP client is available from today with many improvements.

JVoIP 7.0 - Wednesday, November 28, 2018
A major new release for the java SIP library is available from today.

Windows SIP client - Sunday, November 25, 2018
A new version for the Windows softphone have been released today.


The Windows SIP SDK was also updated. 
Android SIP - Friday, November 2, 2018
A major new version have been released for our Android SIP stack with many improvements.

Both the softphone and the SDK have been updated. 
Android SIP SDK -AJVoIP - Friday, August 3, 2018
We are proud to announce the availability of the Android SIP SDK (AJVoIP) targeting developers who wish to build proprietary SIP client solutions or add VoIP capabilities into any existing android app.
AJVoIP is a compact, high performance and full featured SIP library for the Android platform with special care for minimal battery utilization.

MizuDroid v.2.6 - Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The major new version of the Android SIP softphone is now available with a long list of new features and improvements.
This is the effort of a long year of continuous development efforts on the Android SIP stack to rise the solutions to the highest industry standards.
We invested a high amount of work to reduce battery usage to minimal and to fine-tune the software for maximum performance.
The new version takes full advantage of the latest Android capabilities (API level 27+) while also keeping maximum compatibility even with ancient devices (down to API level 9, compatible with all devices on the market).

The software were published to the google play with staged rollout thus you might not see the new version yet. Global availability will reach 100% until the weekend.

Google Play Download

VoIP push notifications - Saturday, June 9, 2018
Today, we are very pleased to announce the release of our VoIP push notification solutions.
Never miss a call or message again.
Push notifications are now integrated into all our server side software, including the VoIP server, the WinPBX, the WebRTC gateway and on the client side including our webphone, the Android softphone and the iOS softphone.
Not only that we just added push notification support, but we also implemented a cross platform robust push module tightly integrated with VoIP, an efficient and well documented solution across all platforms.
From today we also provide push notification support for any third-party SIP server or SIP application. Have a look at our VoIP Push Notification Gateway if you are interested to add support into your existing VoIP network.

More details:
SIP push notifications availability
Push notification gateway for SIP 
Webphone v.2.5,1 - Monday, May 7, 2018
The new version (v.2.5.1) of the browser SIP client is available today with important new functionalities, improvements and bug fixes.

WebPhone details
Change list
WebRTC-SIP gateway v.2.4 - Thursday, April 26, 2018
We are pleased to announce the new release of our WebRTC-SIP gateway/proxy (MRTC).

Now with easier configuration wizard, auto TLS certificates also for gateways behind NAT, full wideband support including conference and transcoding, optimized OPUS codec, improved transfer/hold/conference, VoIP push notifications support and many other improvements.

WebRTC-SIP Gateway homepage
Version history-Changes
Download MRTC (Free) 
Mizu Softswitch 2018 - Monday, April 23, 2018
We are pleased to announce that a new version (v.8.8) of the Mizu Softswitch is now available for VoIP service providers. 

This is a major new version with a long list of new features and improvements, including:
  • many improvements for the SIP and WebRTC stack
  • push notifications for by mobile and web clients (both the Apple PushKit and Google FCM is supported)
  • first-class OPUS support
  • auto health reports for load-balancers
  • offline chat and fast path routing for chat
  • re-invite, hold and transfer related improvements
  • web control panel optimized for mobile screens
  • improved and more flexible API authorization
  • websocket module improvements
  • wideband conference
  • call recording denoise and volume normalization
  • more intelligence for the configuration wizard
  • performance fine-tune
  • and many more (more than 700 changes since the last major release)
The unlimited free compact edition can be downloaded from here.
We also updated the Windows IP-PBX and our hosted VoIP services.

Softswitch homepage 
JVoIP 6.8 - Friday, April 20, 2018
The new major release for the Java library is available from today with new features and all cumulative updates for the SIP/media stack.
MizuPhone for Windows v.2.4 - Tuesday, April 10, 2018
We are pleased to announce the availability of the new Windows SIP client.
This new version is the result of over 400 commits from the past 7 months with a long list of improvements and new features.
The most notable changes are the followings:
-new: first class OPUS codec support
-new: screen sharing / remote desktop
-new: support for WebRTC Video
-new: file transfer
-new: contact export/import and other integration capabilities
-improved: AEC and denoise 
-improved: re-invite/hold/transfer/conference/multi-line support
-improved: SIP/media stack updated to latest version with over 300 improvements and bug fixes!

Download Installer 
VoIP software release cycle -2018 - Friday, April 6, 2018
We are awaiting toward good days here at Mizutech.
After long weeks of background work, we are close to finalize a major new release for almost all our VoIP applications including the server side (softswitch, SBC, MRTC), the webphone and the softphones.
You can expect exciting new features and long list of improvements for almost all modules. A brand new software release is also on the table (surprise!).
Stay tuned and follow us on facebook for the release announcements. 
Easter - Saturday, March 31, 2018
During the Easter holidays we are handling only critical server support and new webphone orders.
For urgencies, please call +40720435054 or skype mizutech.voip when online.

We monitor also the emails, but might respond with delay or after the holidays for not urgent/critical support request.

Webphone v.2.4.1 - Friday, December 22, 2017
A new version (v.2.4.1) for the WebPhone have been released today.

This is a minor new version with a few bug fix and performance improvement over the previous big v.2.4 release.

Web Phone Homepage
Download Web Phone 
SIP Load Balancer - Friday, December 22, 2017
A new version for the SIP Load Balancer (MLB) have been released today.

Now with a downloadable portable version and even more improved performance. 
SIP SBC new release - Friday, December 22, 2017
A major new version for the SIP SBC have been released today.

The new version contains our one year cumulative work on the SIP and media stack, improved NAT handling and easier configuration wizard.

Download Installer
JVoIP 6.6 - Friday, December 8, 2017
I’m happy to let you all know that the new major version of our Java SIP library has just been released. 
This new release is the result of our continuous development on the Java SIP and media stack, containing all the improvement and new functionalities introduced since June.
SIP SDK for Windows - Thursday, December 7, 2017
A new version for the MVoIPSDK for Windows have been released today with a long list of improvements.

WebPhone v.2.4 - Tuesday, December 5, 2017
A new major version for the Webphone have been released today.

This new version contains numerous new features, improvements and bug fixes.

Major changes includes connectivity fixes, BLF, screen share, WebRTC for Safari 11, better Edge support, better callerID and display name forward, improved multi-line support, updated OPUS codec and lot's of other improvements.

For a complete list of changes have a look at the webphone version history.

Webphone v.2.3 - Friday, August 11, 2017
WebPhone V.2.3 is available today.

This is a new major release by merging the v.2.2.1 and v.2.2.4 branches and adding many more improvements.

Major changes includes WebRTC websocket improvements and auto-reconnect, new configuration parameters, fixes for NS engine local certificate, voice recording quality improvements, DTLS changes, click to call related bug fixes and other improvements for the WebRTC and NS engines.

For a complete list of changes have a look at the webphone version history.


Update: V.2.3.1 is out with critical bug fixes!
Softphone Classic V.3.6 - Friday, August 4, 2017
A new version for our Classic Windows Softphone have been released today.

The new version adds numerous buf fixes and improvements for our Classic softphone.
Please note that we don't plan to add new features for this softphone anymore as we are focusing on the Modern Windows Softphone since 2016. However we don't plan to deprecate this softphone in the near future and we are still actively maintain it's code base.

Winodws Softphone classic homepage
Download full trial
Download free version 
Softswitch v.8.6 - Saturday, June 10, 2017
We are pleased to announce the release of VoIP Server Version 8.6!

The Mizutech VoIP Server is an easy to use, robust all-in-one softswitch solution for VoIP service providers.

Now with new PBX features, conference rooms, enhanced WebRTC capabilites, text to speech, auto TLS, improved transcoding, improved configuration wizard and many more.
This is a major new version with more then 270 improvements and bug fixes. The most important changes are listed here.

We also updated the Windows IP-PBX and our hosted VoIP services.

Softswitch homepage
You can download the unlimited free VoIP server edition from here
Windows IP-PBX - Friday, June 9, 2017
A major new release for our Windows PBX and is available today. More features, better performance, same pricing.

Windows IP-PBX home page
Java SIP library v.6.4 - Wednesday, June 7, 2017
A new version for the JVoIP Java SIP library is available today.

JVoIP is a compact SIP client for the JVM which can be used as a SIP library to implement your dialer or add VoIP call capability to Java applications. Works with any SIP service, softswitch and IP-PBX such as Asterisk, FreePBX, FreeSWITCH or Cisco. 

A single .jar of around 1 MB to be added to your project, containing everything you need for VoIP: G.729, Opus, DTMF, transfer, conference, chat, TLS/SRTP and many more.

JVoIP 6.4 contains a number of fixes and improvements, including audio/codec optimizations, rewritten presence, IM, call recording and HTTP API improvements (see the What's New section on it's homepage)

SIP clients for Windows - Friday, June 2, 2017
All our SIP clients for the Windows OS got a major upgrade today, as a result of 5 months development efforts, merging more than 140 changes including many improvements and bug fixes.

Windows SIP SDK
Windows Softphone 
SIP SBC 1.0 - Friday, May 19, 2017
Our VoIP software family got a new member:
We are proud to announce the first stable release of our SIP SBC.

WebRTC-SIP Gateway 2.0 - Wednesday, April 19, 2017
We are pleased to announce a new major release for our WebRTC-SIP gateway (MRTC).
This is an important milestone as it brings a new level of reliability for WebRTC conversion for any SIP server, softswitch or IP-PBX.
  • Fully automated configuration wizard helps you to setup your gateway with a few mouse clicks
  • Automatically adapts to your network environment (private/public IP, NAT handling)
  • Fine-tuned ICE, TURN, STUN and intelligently inserted UDP/TCP candidates makes your VoIP calls to succeed in all circumstances
  • Lots of improvements for its internal SIP stack, WebRTC stack, media stack, TURN and TLS modules
  • Maximum compatibility with all SIP servers and WebRTC endpoints, including extra features such as call transfer, conference, call recording and many others
  • All pending bugs was fixed in this release (more than 210 bug fixes)
  • Performance enhancements for optimal operation in various conditions (such as WebRTC->SIP calls, SIP->WebRTC, WebRTC->WebRTC calls, minimize codec conversion needs, optimize relay usage or bypass)
Details: WebRTC-SIP homapege
Changes: MRTC version history
Try: Download Free WebRTC-SIP Gateway

Update: An upgrade was released today (v.2.0.1 at April 22, 2017). This is a minor release  over v.2.0 but contains a few important bug-fixes, improvements and a new tutorial. 
MizuDroid 2.4 - Tuesday, March 14, 2017

A major upgrade for MizuDroid has been released today (v.2.4).

  • Privacy policy added (see from the Help menu)
  • Multiple launch icon display bug fixed
  • TLS reconnect fixed
  • Audio related bug fixes
  • Mute both in/out streams with the default settings
  • Startup time improvements
  • Notifications improvements
  • Network detection improvements
  • SIP protocol improvements
  • Media streaming improvements
  • Tunneling/encryption improvements
  • DTMF send improvements
  • File transfer improvements
  • Call forward improvements
  • Transport protocol configuration (UDP/TCP/TLS/Tunnel/Auto)
  • Media encryption configuration (No encryption/SRTP/Tunnel/Auto)
  • Display last call details (from menu)
  • Other improvements and bug fixes

Free as always with no ads.

Android softphone details
Download from Google Play
Contact us for a custom build for your company at

WebPhone v.2.0 - Wednesday, February 22, 2017
We are pleased to announce the release of WebPhone Version 2.0!

The Mizu WebPhone is a multi-engine, multi-purpose universal SIP client for browsers compatible with all popular OS and browsers.
The WebPhone can be used as a turn-key highly customizable web softphone or as a JavaScript library to create any custom web VoIP solution.

Download (includes the webphone itself, documentation and examples)

This new version dosn't add any "big" new feature but comes with lot's of improvements:
-new: getsipmessage API
-new: allowcallredirect parameter
-new: playdtmfsound parameter
-new: onDisplay callback
-new: earlymedia parameter
-new: server/user-agent based licensing for the gold version
-new: option to disable all toasts/popups   
-new: muteholdalllines parameter
-improvement: multi-line. a lot of improvements regarding line management
-improved: setline() now accepts also peer phonenumber or sip call-id
-improved: conference API add parameter and other conference related
-improved: call transfer and forward between SIP and WebRTC (and inverse)
-improved: more robust un-register
-improved: cookie and indexDB localforage
-improved: call setup without recording device (no microphone)
-improved: NS engine once click installer improvements and auto-configuration
-improved: Safari compatibility
-improved: handle Firefox 52+ no Java/NPAPI support
-improved: playsound API
-improved: get (and display for the softphone skin) the call disconnect reason on hangup
-fix: WebRTC-SIP converter blind accept any username/password in registrations
-fix: ice timeout
-fix: IsRegistered
-fix: don't touch the NS engine if not needed
-fix: globalline defaults to -1 if not multiline
-fix: webphone_api.voicerecord
-fix: getsipheader mixed up bug
-fix: call timer display
-fix: accidental call disconnects
-fix: IE 7 and IE 8 compatibility
-fix: password sometime encoded incorrectly
-fix: username vs sipusername
-fix: SendDtmf ReferenceError: message is not defined
-fix: settings management
-fix: garbage characters in balance display (credit/currency)
-fix: NS engine XP and vista compatibility
-fix: NS engine compatibility with x32 (32 bit) OS versions
-fix: NS engine compatibility with non-english Windows versions
-fix: autologin not working if server/user/password is set
-fix: if username or password is preset then don't display user/pwd input for the softphone skin
-numerous other improvements and minor bug fixes

Update [March 15, 2017]: an upgrade have been released (v.2.0.1) with further optimizations and some minor improvements/bug fixes 
WebPhone v.1.9 - Saturday, December 24, 2016
We are pleased to announce the new webphone release v.1.9, just in time, before Christmas. We have been able to release this earlier then planned since we haven't run into any serious issue in the testing phrase.

As usually, this new version contains a lot of improvements, new features and bug fixes.
For the list of changes see the "Version History" chapter in the documentation.


We Wish You a Merry Christmas and hope you enjoy our webphone solution.
The Mizutech Team 
WebPhone v.1.8 - Monday, November 28, 2016
The new major version (v.1.8) of the webphone is available from today.
This new release contains a long list of new features, improvements and bug fixes.

The most important changes are the followings:
  • new: MAC OS WebRTC plugin (now we have WebRTC also in Safari)
  • new: multiple lines (manage multiple simultaneous calls)
  • new: ICE TCP candidate (RFC 6544)
  • new: UPNP NAT for NS and Java engines (better NAT handling behind UPNP capable routers)
  • new: redial or re-INVITE on fast call failure or on no media with changed stun and codec
  • new: auto call forward on no answer (“callforwardonnoanswer” setting)
  • new: more settings such as language, allowcallredirect, disablesamecall, checkvolumelevel, inbounddtmf , outbounddtmf, usecommdevice, etc
  • new: stop() and getworkdir() api
  • new: auto NS service upgrade in background (only if NS is actually used and only to known good new versions)
  • improved: DTMF between SIP and WebRTC (both INFO and RFC 2866 are supported)
  • improved: stun and turn earlier public IP discovery, doesn’t use on local LAN’s
  • improved: more native audio features on Windows
  • improved: http/https view/api/download/upload/autoprovisioning (autodetect, https-http proxy and ssl bypass options)
  • improved: fast init with no more delays when coming from settings and engine init speedups
  • improved: fast cleanup and exit for the java engine
  • improved: conference for WebRTC
  • improved: NS engine auto upgrade
  • improved: iOS app engine via SIP softphone
  • improved: various transfer related improvements including WebRTC to SIP call transfer
  • improved: usage from behind NAT or firewalls (now capable to use both TURN and TCP candidates if UDP is blocked)
  • improved: various other WebRTC-SIP related improvements
  • improved: documentation
  • fix: embed in webpage related issues and webphonebasedir
  • fix: video call with one way video transmission
  • fix: licensing/trial expired related issues
  • fix: onRegistered to catch all SIP register events
  • fix: settings save/load, keep last good VoIP method
  • fix: chat between SIP and WebRTC
  • fix: file transfer related bugs
  • fix: flash VoIP engine only when really necessary (no any other options)
  • fix: DNS SRV record timeout handling
  • fix: fixed problem with AEC for wideband speex and opus with NS and Java
  • fix: audio device list on Windows
  • fix: ptime settings for G.729
  • fix: reject double outbound calls to same destination
  • fix: various GUI related bugs on the softphone skin
  • fix: various auto engine detect, prioritization and usage related bugs
  • fix: more than 110 other minor fixes and improvements
License owners: we have started to create the custom builds and everybody should have the new version within a day.
New customers: check out the webphone homepage and download the demo.
MVoIPSDK -Introducing our SIP SDK for Windows - Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Today we have released a SIP SDK for windows (MVoIPSDK) as part of our long term effort to provide a feature-rich VoIP solution for each platform.
The MVoIPSDK runs as a service on Windows desktops thus can be easily access from any framework/language (C++, .NET, C#, Delphi, VB, others) by commands sent via a local TCP connection.

Windows Softphone - Thursday, August 4, 2016
A new version of our customizable windows softphone is available today with GUI and activation related fixes. Now with multi-user support.

Bot the classic and the modern softphone lines have been refreshed.

MRTC new release - Tuesday, August 2, 2016
MRTC v.1.3 is available today.

The MRTC gateway allows trouble-free WebRTC to SIP protocol conversion with all the necessary pieces built-in, including HTTPS/TLS support, DTLS/SRTP to RTP conversion, STUN and TURN.
This version contains many improvements including auto certificate via Let's Encrypt, automatic port detection to ease the configuration behind routers, WebRTC SIP signaling improvements, fast-path for WebRTC to WebRTC calls and many others.

More details

Windows PBX v.1.1 - Friday, July 29, 2016
We are pleased to announce the second release of our PBX for Windows.

This version contains several bug fixes, new features, improved voicemail and conference rooms.

More details
Softswitch Compact Free v.1.4 - Tuesday, July 26, 2016
A new version of our unlimited free softswitch is available today.
WebPhone 1.7 - Thursday, July 21, 2016
A new version of the webphone is available today.
This is a bug-fix release with 14 bug fix and minor improvements. No new features were added.

WebPhone 1.6 - Friday, July 1, 2016
WebPhone v.1.6 is available from today. This is a major new version with many improvements.

The webphone is a unique web SIP client solution with cross-platform capabilities and multiple built-in engines to take out the most from browser capabilities including native, webrtc, java and flash.
It can be used as a JavaScript library (for developers) or as a ready web softphone and click to call solution (included in the downloadable package).

Changes in v.1.6:
-new: video
-new: conference rooms (server assisted)
-new: audio device list, get, set functions
-new: web call me
-new: peer to peer media auto discover
-new: call forward
-new: auto WebRTC discover (for example it can detect automatically if webrtc is enable in Asterisk and other servers)
-new: softphone skin now can be inserted also in a DIV (previously it was working only in iframe)
-new: callback (you can specify a callbacknumber parameter if your server has a callback access number)
-new: sip outbound proxy setting
-new: call transfer options
-new: CDR records after calls (can be easily posted to server API)
-new: group chat
-improved: click to call
-improved: presence
-improved: voicemail
-improved: conference
-improved: voice recording
-improved: android native dialer auto-configuration
-improved: themes (color theme/skinning)
-improved: TURN and STUN handling and auto-discovery
-improved: user interface integration (div, popup, flying, others)
-improved: chat (reliability, smiles, file-transfer, groups)
-improved: NS engine versioning and auto upgrade
-improved: webrtc engine
-fix: voip engine auto select related issues
-fix: settings save/restore
-fix: init delay
-fix: ns engine localhost certificate
-fix: https/wss issues
-fix: more than 44 bug-fixes mostly based on customer feedback and additional tests

WebPhone home page
WebPhone download 
Softswitch 8.0 - Friday, June 24, 2016
After many months of background work, we have just released the new version of our Softswitch (v.8.0). With this new release we have achieved an important milestone opening new possibilities for our customers.

The Mizu Softswitch is a high performance general purpose VoIP server application suitable for call termination, wholesale, prepaid/postpaid retail customers, carrier SBC, proxy and other businesses or as a company PBX.

This is a major upgrade with many new features and improvements:
-SIP stack upgrade to v.4.2 with many encasements including better support for text messaging and SMS relay
-Full support for WebRTC including DTLS/SRTP RTP relay and built-in STUN and TURN servers
-New PBX features such as conference rooms and voicemail
-Click to call and call me features
-Better softphone integration including features like P2P, callback, sign-up, payments and many others
-Updated server configuration wizard with network/nat/localization auto-detection
-Intelligent RTP offloading capabilities (peer to peer media whenever possible)
-Auto codec transcoding when necessary
-Auto SSL certificate for HTTPS/WSS
-Improved built-in VoIP tunneling and encryption (optional module)
-Security enhancements
-Improved voip admin client
-More than 110 other improvements and bug fixes
-A new release for our customizable softphones
-Our VoIP server hosting service (SaaS ) was also refreshed with all the new features
-A special edition focusing on small business needs (company local PBX) is also available:
-A robust SIP load balancer capable for millions of calls on a cheap hardware

Existing customers:
We are upgrading all servers during the next days. If you haven’t got the upgrade yet, please contact our support.

New customers:
You can find the details about our softswitch from here.
Or contact us.
Windows PBX - Thursday, June 23, 2016
We are pleased to announce our compact PBX, a softswitch for windows focusing on company communication needs.
The Mizu PBX for windows is an easy to install and easy to use full featured VoIP communication server for your company office.

iOS softphone - Friday, June 17, 2016

A new version of our iOS softphone is available with improved 64bit support, optimized audio processing, accepting calls while on sleep/not running (in customized versions), enchanted auto-provisioning, numerous bug fixes and improvements. Branded builds are available on request.

More details about iOS Softphone
Download iOS softphone from App Store
Windows Softphone v.1.5 - Monday, May 2, 2016
A new version (v.1.5) for our Windows Softphone -Modern edition have been released today.

Download SIP Softphone for Windows
VoIP services - Friday, April 29, 2016
We have refreshed our MizuCall VoIP SIP services.
The service was upgraded to latest mizu server with improved NAT handling and account management.
All the softphones were upgraded to latest stable version.
Unlimited free sip accounts, registrations, calls and messaging.
WebPhone 1.5 - Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Webphone v.1.5 is available with many improvements:

-new: call recording (voicerecupload)
-new: 8 new call-divert related settings and API’s
-new: callcenter integration
-improved: engine selection
-improved: VoIP over TCP using TURN only when necessary
-improved: usage on local LAN’s
-improved: WebRTC (various fixes)
-fix: auto engine select related bugs, unnecessary java popups
-fix: NS engine discover issues
-fix: mute/unmute, hold/unhold
-fix: CTRL+C, CTRL+V in the softphone skin
-more than 20 other bug fixes and small improvements especially engine detect/choose related

WebPhone 1.4 - Monday, April 11, 2016
Webphone v.1.4 is available with many improvements:

-new: WebRTC to SIP gateway (free as both software and service for our webphone customers)
-new: TURN (WebRTC works now even if all UDP is blocked and only port TCP 80 is allowed)
-new: auto codec convert when necessary (for example to G.729 from WebRTC)
-new: App engines for iOS and Android
-new: WebRTC on Android
-new: HTTP to HTTPS gateway (used automatically if hosting website is not secure which is required by Chrome for WebRTC)
-new: WebRTC caller-id
-improved: WebRTC NAT handling
-improved: STUN
-improved: end to end encryption
-improved: softphone skin
-fix: mute/unmute, hold/unhold
-fix: java freezing improvements
-fix: WebRTC caller-id

MizuDroid 2.3.0 - Thursday, March 10, 2016
A major upgrade for your Android softphone have been released today:
  • sip improvements, compatibility fixes
  • G.729 and wide-band codec quality improvements
  • TLS/SRTP support
  • more customization and branding options including themes support
  • contact sync, presence, file transfer
  • P2P encrypted media
  • performance optimizations
  • many other improvements and bug fixes
Google Play 
Webphone 1.3 - Friday, February 5, 2016
Today we have released a new version for the Webphone with the following changes:

-new: audio device selection
-new: favorite or block contact
-new: setsipheader/getsipheader
-improved: capability call special url's on events (server API integration)
-improved: number rewrite rules
-improved: feedback for filetransfer
-improved: engine selection
-improved: WebRTC handling
-fix: ns engine unregister on webpage close
-fix: increase cseq for re-invite
-other improvements and bug fixes

WebPhone 1.2 - Monday, January 18, 2016
We are pleased to announce the new stable release of our universal webphone with many improvements and also bug fixes. (See the version history in the documentation for more details about the changes)

Softswitch -Compact Edition - Thursday, January 14, 2016


From today you have a free unlocked VoIP softswitch for windows with business features and easy to use admin client with graphical user interface.

The Compact edition contains all the goodies from the commercial edition for free of charge with no artificial limitation on maximum number of users or simultaneous calls.

Softswitch v.7.4.6 - Friday, December 11, 2015
We have released a new version for our softswitch today with many improvements and also bug fixes together with a new version of our VoIP management admin client.
A general security review have been performed in our server and client applications. During the process we made numerous improvements and fixed all the known security related bugs. Sensitive data is now encrypted everywhere, sql injection and xsl attack surfaces were hardened and our TLS process got a new upgrade to conform with latest standards.
Server-side security related documentation can be found here: VoIP server security 
New windows softphone - Saturday, December 5, 2015
We are pleased to announce our new Windows Softphone release.
From today we are going to offer two windows softphone line: classic and modern.
The modern softphone is a new product focusing on flexibility and easy customization.
The classic edition is our old good native softphone which is updated now to v.3.2.4.

The softphone is free for non-commercial usage. Download free classic from here and modern from here.
We offer customized builds for VoIP service providers and also individual commercial license for $49. Buy from here. Once purchased, you can use the same license key with all our softphones including both the classic and modern windows softphone but also with our mobile softphones. 
JVoIP 1.0 - Thursday, November 26, 2015
Meet our Java VoIP SDK. A full-featured SIP + media library for Java in a single .jar file.

VoIP Java library details
VoIP Java SDK download 
VoIP stresstest - Tuesday, November 10, 2015
A new version for the VoIP tester application have been released today.

VoIP tester description

VoIP tester download 
Webphone 1.0 - Friday, November 6, 2015
We are pleased to announce the release of our new universal webphone powered by our revolutionary new multi-engine technology.

VoIP Hosting - Monday, October 12, 2015
We have refreshed our SaaS VoIP Hosting platform. Now with lower costs and more features. 
MVoIP server v.7.4.2 - Thursday, September 24, 2015
We are pleased to announce a new major release for our VoIP server with the following changes:

  • all cumulative updates since 2015 January
  • new MizuManage
  • WebRTC support
  • API over websocket and json
  • fast route path
  • kernel mode RTP routing
  • a new mailer client
  • smart blacklist
  • MNP improvements
  • new tunneling module
  • built-in webserver
  • RTMP/Flash support

We already refreshed the service for all existing customers within the support period. 
New universal webphone release - Sunday, September 13, 2015
I am glad to announce the new version of our webphone v.0.9.

With this release we have accomplished another milestone and we are going to slowly begin also the support for this software. We will continue now with more tests, some refactoring and will add the flash and app engines for v.1.0 which will be here very soon. The webphone is fully usable also without these engines, but we feel that it will be complete only once we achieve all our goals, supporting all the announced engines.

More details
Contact us with any issues you might find. 
New VoIP software releases are coming - Friday, September 11, 2015
After the summer holidays and some background works, we are back with full force and with many new enhancement for our VoIP stack. Stay tuned as we are going to release some interesting modules and new software versions in the following weeks. 
Universal Webphone Beta - Monday, June 22, 2015
We are glad to announce our new Universal Webphone.
"Universal" because uses multiple engines to cover all the possible platforms with VoIP capabilities.

VoIP server performance upgrade - Thursday, May 14, 2015
Our VoIP softswitch just got a performance boost.
The most important change is the introduction of kernel space RTP routing. Since 80% of the CPU on a VoIP server is wasted to relay the media packets, optimizations in this module has the bigger impact for the overall performance. By performing the RTP routing in the kernel space we achieved 2X speedup.
Other improvements include fast registrar optimizations, auto-tuning depending on server load and various micro optimizations.
Current customers will receive this upgrade automatically. A new standalone server release will be published soon with all these changes.
VoIP server download 
MizuDroid 2.0 in the Google Play - Thursday, April 23, 2015
MizuDroid is available in the Android store.
Free, professional SIP softphone. No advertisements.

Google Play

Softphone Details 
New VoIP Server API - Saturday, April 11, 2015
The new "universal" API for the Mizutech VoIP server is available now to help you with any VoIP integration tasks.
Works over UDP, TCP, HTTP, SIP and SMS
Supported data formats includes plain text, JSON, XML and others.
A single place for all services, including user registration, rating and credit requests, SMS, P2P, callback and many others with the possibility to easily add new custom functions.

More details: VoIP Server API 
Peer to peer encrypted media routing - Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Direct peer to peer encrypted media routing is available now in the webphone and all our softphones. 
Webphone 5.4 - Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Browser phone V.5.4 is available with the following changes:

-new: peer to peer encrypted media

-new: presence and contact list management

-new: universal API accessible via UDP/TCP/HTTP

-new: more flexible configuration

-new: desktop mode

-new: blacklist

-improvements: tunneling

WebRTC support will be added in the next release (April - May).

Mizutech VoIP roadmap for 2015 - Thursday, March 12, 2015

This post is designed to provide clarity on the future of our VoIP development efforts.

You might observed that in the last months there was less visible activity from our side. Our team was focusing on not so visible but very important background works and we managed to build a new platform which will be the baseline for our new VoIP solutions. The key goals was to create a fast, stable and flexible platform but we also innovated in areas where we saw major gaps such as VoIP tunneling, scalability, cross-platform, service monitoring and more flexible customizations.

We spent the vast majority of 2014 working hard to develop these modules and features and we are happy to announce that they will be going live step by step during the next two months:

*Client side:
-A new cross-platform webphone with webrtc/java/native/flash sip/media engine with a flexible new API.
-A new softphone line for Windows, Android, iOS and others, using our latest SIP stack with easy customization in mind
-An automated build process, so our customers will have to wait less for their builds and updates (actually we will be able to build fully customized softphones for all platforms in around 20 minutes)
*VoIP server:
-Kernel space RTP routing for the maximum performance
-A lightning fast user to user signaling
-Scalability and load balancing
-A new flexible API
-Many improvements and new features
-Standalone install package
*VoIP tunneling:
-I think that we have built the most sophisticated VoIP tunnel solution currently available on the market
-Multiple transport layer (UDP/TCP/HTTP/Websocket/WebRTC)
-Multiple layered encryption methods (TLS/SRTP/ and a fast RSA based encryption)
-Sophisticated obfuscation to bypass all VoIP blockage or service degradation attempt
-Implementations for all major platforms (web/win/android/iOS and more to come)
*VoIP Cloud:
-Our VoIP SaaS platform will receive a major upgrade, offering a complete solution for companies and VoIP businesses with easy management and maximum flexibility

We are very excited about the changes to come, and hope you are as well!


Maintenance - Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Our web/email servers are under maintenance and will be back soon.
VoIP servers are not affected.
VoIP tunneling and encryption -new solutions is available - Friday, December 5, 2014
We are pleased to announce the new version of our VoIP tunneling solution.
The new software suite is the result of one year development effort with the purpose to completely solve all VoIP blockage related issues all over the world.

WebSIPphone certificate upgrade - Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The new "white-label" certificate for our webphone is available from  today.

Due to the high demand for a "white-label" certificate we are changing the old certificate issued to "MizuTech" to a new one issued to "WebVoIPPhone".

For this reason we have created a new company with the same name. The new company is not associated with us and we also bought the domain with the same name ( to assure that this name will not be linked with any other company in the future, keeping your webphone truly white label.

In the following days we are going to send the new version for all our customers within the support period. For customers with expired support we can offer a support package for $600 which will extend the support period with 2 years.

Please note that this new certificate is bought for 3 years and we plan to renew before to expire.

Webphone 4.8.4 - Saturday, March 8, 2014
The new version of the sip web phone is available for download.

Web phone
MizuDroid 1.6 - Wednesday, March 5, 2014
MizuDroid have got a bug fix release today.
The previous version was a big rewrite and as usually bugs are happening with big changes.
This new version is a bug fix release with the following changes:
-fix cpu overutilization issue on low-end devices
-fix tunneling and encryption
-fix some STUN and ringback issues
-22 other smaller bug fix and improvement

Android softphone homepage
New Android softphone release - Sunday, January 19, 2014

It has been a long time since we released the last upgrade for our Android softphone. However, in the meantime we have continued its development, we have rewritten and refreshed most modules and today we are pleased the release of the new major version with a lot of improvements.

Android softphone homepage
Google Play Softphone download

VoIP hosting -redefined - Saturday, January 18, 2014

We have completely refreshed our VoIP Hosted Server offerings:

  • new servers
  • lowest prices
  • more features
  • enchanted supervising and monitoring

Order now or get a free test instance: VoIP Hosting

VoIP server v.5.0 - Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The new version contains 100+ bug fixes and many new features and improvements.
VoIP Server

Client software upgrade - Sunday, January 12, 2014

We have released an upgrade for almost all our VoIP client.
More to come in February (the iOS upgrade is scheduled for February 27)

WebSIPPhone v.4.8 - Wednesday, December 4, 2013
This is a major upgrade with new features, improved documentation and skin examples.

Main changes:
-new: opus codec
-new: video module
-new: ogg/vorbis recording
-new: java API
-improvement: aec
-improvement: reregistration
-improvement: rtp read threading
-fix: more than 20 minor bug fixes

Upgrades are coming - Monday, November 18, 2013

In the upcoming weeks we plan to release a major upgrade for almost all our software and services.


More exactly,  the following are planned:

  • webphone v.4.8 with a lot of new features
  • a completely rewritten android softphone
  • new VoIP service with improved supervisor
  • upgrades for the windows softphone
  • a major upgrade for our iOS softphone is also scheduled (this one only 2 months later)

We hope that the new versions will fulfill all our customers’ expectations.

WebSIPPhone v.4.6 - Wednesday, June 5, 2013
A new version for the websiphone is available for download with numerous small improvements and bug fixes. Will also fix the compatibility issues with the latest java upgrade. 
SIP server upgrade - Monday, June 3, 2013

We have released a new version for our SIP sever focusing on throughput and reliability enhancements.

Webphone name changed - Tuesday, November 6, 2012
We have changed the name of our software referred as webphone.
The new name is websipphone.
Webphone 4.4 is downloadable - Monday, April 23, 2012
The new version comes with a simplified usage from javascript and more skin templates.
More details here.
Download here
Launch of Mizutech VoIP services - Sunday, April 22, 2012
We are pleased to introduce a few more services to our customers:
  • A-Z call termination (softswitch users are still free to interconnect with any carrier. This service is intended to easy the startup for new businesses.)
  • JavaScript phone: allows the usage of our webphone for companies without VoIP infrastructure and knowledge
  • VoIP tunneling service: easy to use secure call for retail customers to bypass VoIP firewalls and blockage in countries like UAE
  • updated VoIP hosting platform (SaaS)
VoIP server major upgrade - Monday, March 26, 2012
Mizu VoIP server v.4.5 has been released today -many new features and improvements and with an easy to use installer with step by step install guide 
New Softphone for all platforms - Monday, March 19, 2012

We have refreshed all our Softphone clients:

-audio device handling improvements
-optimizations for the new android SDK (3.2 and 4.0)
-lot of bug fixes and improvements

-fixed 3G and general network connectivity issues
-added a lot of new customization options

-changed sip and media stack to v.4.2
-many improvements and bug fixes

-final version accepted and signed by Nokia

Symbian softphone - Friday, March 16, 2012

We are glad to announce our new product: a dialer for Symbian

VoIP tester upgrade - Tuesday, January 31, 2012

We have released an upgrade for our VoIP Test Tool application.

MizuDroid upgrade - Monday, January 30, 2012

We are glad to announce the first stable upgrade for our popular Android softphone including the following changes:

  • bug and VoIP server compatibility fixes
  • speed improvements (up to 70% for GSM and G.729 codec)
  • almost zero battery usage while in idle
  • optional VoIP tunneling and encryption
  • a lot of other small improvements

Android Market page

MizuPhone for iPhone has finally arrived - Monday, January 30, 2012

In the last year we have received many request for a Mizu softphone for the iPhone iOS platform.
Based on these request we have started to work on a customizable softphone and recently published on the Android App Store.

App Store page

Webphone v.4.3 is out - Monday, December 19, 2011

Now with Voicemail, Call-Forwarding and Audio enhancements: PLC (packet loss concealment), AEC (acoustic echo canceller), Noise suppression, Silence suppression and AGC (automatic gain control)

MizuDroid launch - Friday, July 8, 2011

We are glad to announce our new Android softphone called MizuDroid. The softphone is available from the Android market for free. We offer customized builds for VoIP service providers.

Mizu Softswitch upgrade - Wednesday, June 1, 2011

No new modules or big changes in this upgrade. Just a lot of small improvements and minor bug fixes.
The patch can be downloaded from here: softswitch upgrade
This will upgrade the version number to 4.2.6.

MizuPhone v. - Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The new softphone installer can be downloaded from here: link

Webphone version 4.0 is available - Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Includes many small improvements, conferencing, voice recording and improved encryption/tunneling. For more details please check the version history in the webphone documentation.

VoIP tunnel 4.2.6 is available - Monday, February 7, 2011

The new version comes with a new random port selection algorithm, client driven upper server selection and more control about the ports used (signaling + media in a single stream vs random ports for uploads and downloads). TCP and proxy tunneling upgraded with a new transport stack.

Webphone version 3.6 is available - Monday, July 5, 2010

Now with better skinning support (including an iPhone style skin)

The free public phone service is also available again from today.

VoIP tunnel new version is available - Friday, July 2, 2010

Mizutech VoIP tunneling solutions allows VoIP encryption and to offer VoIP services in countries where VoIP is blocked or from behind corporate firewalls. The new version comes with performance optimisations.

Mizutech Office in Romania - Sunday, June 27, 2010

Since most of our the team members are living in Romania, we have moved our office from Hungary, Budapest to Romania, Brasov. The new contact details can be found here.

In the same time we have migrated most of our server to UK collocation centers to improve the access times and the load balancing.

VoIP DoS attack test - Saturday, June 19, 2010

Our VoIP Tester application was updated with a DoS - DDoS test module. Stresstest your VoIP infrastructure by just launching the application and click on the DoS "Start" button.

VoIP Softswitch v4.2.0 is available - Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Main changes:
-new installer
-improved IVR and billing
-updated documentations

New callcenter build - Tuesday, June 1, 2010



We are pleased to announce our new VoIP callcenter now with a shortened learning path and easier configuration including the updated MAgent with our newest SIP stack features.

New website - Sunday, February 14, 2010

We have refreshed our website content and design to be easier to find the resources that was hidden in the previous version.

Webphone -new version - Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Now with G.729, ultra-wideband codec and stereo output.
Download demo package

Public Internet Phone - Thursday, March 12, 2009

Today we have started our free VoIP service, an internet phone which you can use to make true VoIP calls trough any VoIP service provider. The service is based on our webphone technology and it is free. You don't need any equipment or software download to use it.
Public Internet Phone

VoIP Server download and fast deployment - Monday, March 2, 2009

Our carrier grade class5 softswitch has been available for enterprises until now, but today we have opened it for the public. The VoIP servers are based on Windows/MSSQL platform and its easy deployment can be a big help for small businesses who have stayed avay from VOIP until now. We have even created a free version which can be a suitable solution for small companies or home users.

Webphone - Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lots of peope have asked us if we have a softphone solution that can be used directly from web browsers without installing anything. The solution is here: webphone

New release - Monday, October 27, 2008

We are happy to announce the new MizuPhone release, version 1.2.4.
This is a major release with new modules and lots of improvements.
Compatibility with many sip devices and service providers have been fixed.
This line of VoIP softwares focuses on enterprise deployement.

Domain name changed - Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We have changed our domain from to Meantime we are working hard on the next softphone release with new interesting features and improvements.

Softphone Version 1.0.2d - Thursday, August 21, 2008

In this minor upgrade of the softphone the wideband speex codec's (default for mizuphone-mizuphone calls) are working again even if the silence detection is enabled. Fixed compatibilty problems with cisco and other devices, fixed the call hangup after 60 sec and some other minor issues.

MizuPhone -bugfix release - Monday, August 11, 2008

MizuPhone 1.0.2 released.
In the last month we have received lots of feedback regarding mizuphone bugs and compatibility problems. We have successfully corrected all the reported issues and added numerous small additions and full integration with trixbox/Asterisk. You can find the changelog list on the forum

MizuPhone -stable version - Thursday, July 17, 2008

 We are glad to announce, that after 2 months beta testing, the first stable version of our sip softphone is ready to download with many bugfixes and improvements. More details about the changes on the forum.

MizuPhone initial release - Thursday, May 22, 2008

MizuPhone 0.8.2 has been released today to conquer the VoIP softphone market. You are welcome to download and use it! Any feedback will be appreciated.

Mizu PBX v2.0 is available - Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mizu PBX v2.0 is released! This major update adds significant new features: prepaid billing, invoices, pincodes, NAT support improvements and many others.