All-In-One Customized Softphone

  Customized softphone for all platforms. Ready for production today   

We offer all softphone in a single package with a major discount.
By ordering all softphones from a single vendor you will also benefit from reduced maintenance, support and upgrade procedure.
The all-in-one softphone package covers all the needs of a today telecom/VoIP business covering all the major platforms, compatible with the latest SIP standards. The softphones are fully compatible with all VoIP servers, PBX or softswitch.
customize softphone screenshot
The following software are included: 

We have created several license plans to fulfill everybody's needs starting with a limited $990 offer or unlimited usage for $3900. See the details here. The softphone's are also available separately, however for all together we can offer better pricing.

The softphone customization includes the followings:

  • All modules and features from the retail full/pro versions
  • ITSP/Operator/Enterprise Features
  • Unlimited usage with your VoIP server
  • 100% white label with your own branding, settings, company details, lins and website/API integration
  • Preconfigured server settings, so the users will have to type only username and password to begin the usage
  • Enable all codec (including G.729 and HD/wideband)
  • Tunneling and encryption setup (optional)
  • Brand name, company name, logo, icon, texts, company web URL
  • Integration with any existing web API such as balance/rating display, callback and SMS services
  • Integration with extra services such as SMS, callback and phone to phone call
  • Built-in links and webview for new user registration, direct link to user account, recharge URI or any link to your website
  • A long list of predefined customization options. However if you need something extra, please let us know (might involve extra costs).

Why choose us?

  • MizuTech SIP stack: with 10+ years’ experience in VoIP development we have huge expertise in this fields with high goals set for the future. By partnering with us you will get access to our latest software version focused on top market trends and beyond
  • Fast and stable: crash free binaries with low CPU/battery usage. We spend considerable efforts for optimization and fine-tuning. For example while idle, our softphones are running with low priority and 0% CPU usage
  • Audio quality: the most important functionality in a VoIP software. We take special care to deliver the best possible audio quality in all circumstances including 3G connections with low-bandwidth codecs such as G.729 or HD audio when bandwidth is available. We also maximally explore related technologies to minimize latency and increase quality such as VAD, PLC, AGC, AEC, denoise, silence suppression and auto QoS with sophisticated NAT/firewall traversal capabilities
  • Advanced features: all common VoIP features are supported such as forward, transfer, hold, conference and beyond such as voice recording. You will also receive features never seen at others such as peer to peer encrypted media routing
  • Smooth user experience: users have to type only their username and password to start making and receiving calls using an intuitive user interface. However advanced users can change 100+ settings to get out the most from VoIP
  • VoIP encryption and tunneling: if you wish to deliver encrypted communication method to your customers then the choice should be obvious since we provide the most comprehensive VoIP encryption solution on the current market. Our softphones works well also when voice is blocked or degraded by ISP such as countries like Iran and UAE by using a sophisticated obfuscation layer and a distributed network to avoid VoIP server IP/domain blockage.
  • Full customization: branding with your company name, icon, logo, URL and long list of customization options are available including fine-tuning for your softswitch and integration with services such as SMS, balance/rating display, callback and many more
  • Fast delivery: our automated build process allows us to build your customized softphone in minutes while still taking care of all the tiny details

How to proceed?

  1. You should verify if our softphones fulfills your needs by checking the public downloadable releases (your softphone will have the same quality, but with your own branding and customizations)
  2. Find the pricing and order from here
  3. For the customization please answer the points listed here (as much as possible, then send us by email)
  4. Once we receive the answers for the customization related points, we will deliver the softphones in around one workday (except the iOS softphone which takes longer as the AppStore upload process is time consuming)


The online softphone builder service have been released.
Now you can customize and build your branded softphone with your preferred settings.
Start building your softphone from here: