We can accept payments via credit-card, PayPal or wire-transfer.
You can find the pricing for all our products here.

Pay with PayPal

For PayPal, click on the "Buy Now" button above. On the PayPal page please enter the exact amount regarding to your software license. Alternatively you can "send payment" to info@mizu-voip.com (this option can be found in the menu once you login into your PayPal account)

Wire transfer

All our software or service can be paid also by wire transfer.

Bank details:

  •    Name: Banca Transilvania S.A.
  •    Address: Str. 13 Decembrie, nr. 17, 500199 Brasov, Romania
  •    Phone: (40)-264-40715(0)/(1)/(2)
  •    Web: https://www.bancatransilvania.ro
  •    Bank code (BIC): BTRL
  •    Swift code: BTRLRO22
  •    Swift code including the branch office: BTRLRO22BVA
  •    IBAN accounts:
    •    USD Account: RO79BTRL00802202U54804XX
    •    EUR Account: RO30BTRL00804202U54804XX
    •    RON Account: RO55BTRL00801202U54804XX

Company details:

  •    Name: Mizutech SRL
  •    Address: MIZUTECH S.R.L, Str.Vulcan, Nr. 109, 500188 Brasov, jud. Brasov, Romania
  •    Company registration number: J08/486/04.05.2010
  •    EU registered VAT number: RO26871024

The pricing for all our software are displayed in USD, but we also accept euro payments using the xe.com mid-market exchange rates.

Bank details in PDF can be downloaded from HERE.

Pay with Card

For credit/debit card payments you can also use paypal. If paypal is not suitable for you please find direct card payment links below (via the Share*It payment gateway) for some of our software:

Webphone: Basic - Advanced - Gold

Softphone: Windows - Android - iPhone

JVoIP: Basic - Advanced - Gold

Softswitch payment


Contact us if your software is not listed above and we will send the payment link.
Make sure that the amount is the same as the price of the license which you wish to purchase or agreed on with Mizutech sales.
Otherwise please contact sales or use PayPal or wire transfer.

MizuPhone payment options 

Other methods


The following company details will be needed for the accounting (in case if you represent a company):

  • Company name
  • Address
  • REG/TAX or VAT number or Company ID
  • EU registered VAT number if you have (needed for EU companies only to avoid VAT tax)

Please request for the invoice only if you are sure that you will make the payment in a few days. Otherwise we will send it on your payment.
Our company details can be found here.


  • PayPal and Share-It payments are received in a few hours
  • Wire transfer usually takes 1-3 days, however we can begin to prepare or to deliver your software once you send a screenshot or a copy about your transfer
  • PayPal and Wire transfer payments has around 3% tax
  • The tax for Share-It payments is around 4%

There is no need to pay any VAT in most circumstances.
A 8-24% (country dependent) VAT tax is applicable for all our pricing only in the following circumstances:
-in case if you send the payment from a personal account (if you use Paypal, then a business account should be used to avoid VAT)
-if you are located in Romania
-in case if your company is in EU but doesn't have an EU registered VAT number (However most EU companies should already have a VAT number or if you don't then this kind of VAT number can be requested for free from the local authorities. Verifiable here)

There is no any VAT tax for non-EU companies and for EU companies having a valid EU registered VAT number.