The callback is a method of making low-cost international calls via the switch, this way call charges will be considerably lower. Callback can be initiated from any
VoIP client or
webphone (already built-in in our softphone and web enduser interface, but with the help of the http api, you can add it also to third party software or website).
User is requested to enter it’s phone number, then a call is made to the voip server when the server will authenticate the user with the following methods:
-username/password if the callback have been made from web or via http api
-sip digest authentication if the call was made for a softphone
-PIN code if the call was made to IVR
-ANI authentication (recognize a number) for subsequent requests to the IVR (if the user was already authenticated by PIN or his A number is already known)
After the authentication the server will call back the user and the IVR will require to enter the destination number.
Prepaid calling card:
User will can access number which will start the calling-card IVR on the voip server.
The voip server will authenticate the users in the following ways:
-sip digest authentication if the call was made for a softphone OR
-request PIN code OR
-ANI authentication (recognize a number) for subsequent requests to the IVR (if the user was already authenticated by PIN or his A number is already known)
After the authentication, the user is requested to enter the destination number.
Before you begin the configuration, please acquire at least one DID number from a DID provider, and also tell your DID provider to send the DTMF as RFC2833 or INFO method (these are the supported methods by the server, in-band is not supported).
- a Traffic Sender user needs to be created for the DID provider, where you add the provider’s IP addresses
- create a new campaign for callback in MManage- > Call Center -> Campaigns
- assign an IVR Script to this campaign (the script should contain at least: user authentication, credit check, and call forward)
- create a new enduser, setting the DID number as the username, then go to Functions page:
- assign the campaign ID to this enduser
- set for Callback access -> 1: act based on anumberhandling
- go to MManage -> Other -> Configurations -> search for setting “defcallbackivr”, where you also need to set the campaign ID
- after all these steps are completed, reload the configurations: go to MManage -> Server Console -> connect to console -> type “reload” -> hit enter and wait for response (response should be “OK”)
VoIP Softswitch