Server tutorial:
1. MS SQL setup
Full verzion for high load servers
Free version for all other:
Mixed authentication
SQL Server Configuration Manager:
-> SQL Server Network Conf. -> Protocols for MIZU ->
-> TCP/IP enable -> IP anddresses: all 'yes' + port=2223 (1433)
-> SQL Native Client Conf. -> TCP/IP enable -> IP anddresses: all 'yes' + port=2223
DB - Properties:
- Processors
- Connections -> Remot query timeout set to ~ 1600 s
- DB Settings -> Locations: - data + log - 1 disc
- backup - other disc
Backup settings: - monthly
- daily
- hourly - differential
Manual Install:
service - mserver (manual install - register service: cmd ex. C:\MizuVoIPServer\mserver.exe -install)
generate DB: - open file 'mserverscript' + 'F5(run)'
2. MizuManage - conf. wizard
- Initialize - if updrade => Apply Upgrades checked
- Roles and Features -> check Voip Encryption
- Currency Conversion -> Manual
- Network: -> IP
-> set SIP Port other then 5060
-> check Enable Private IP's
-> check Enable Local IP
- Users and Routing -> Routing algorithm -> Load balancing
-> Unsused Accounts -> Delete After ~ 60 days
- Maintenance -> Keep CDR records -> 60 days
Other -> Configurations:
- fwdregistrasions -> 2
- fwdregistrasions_domain -> 'domain'
- fwdregistrasions_ip -> 'ip'
- fwdregistrasions_port -> 5060
- autocreatereguser -> 1
- forwardauthentifications -> 1
- faxnormalize -> 0
- normalize_checksp -> 0
- normalize_clean -> 1
- normalize_localpx -> 0
- normalizenumbers -> 0
Setup SIP Server and Trafic Sender to/from upper server:
- RouteRTP Caller -> Always Route RTP (SIP Server + Traffic Sender)
- RouteRTP Called -> Always Route RTP (SIP Server + Traffic Sender)
Routing - to SIP Server...
Firewall - config
Test calls
mizuserver.ini user, passw, .....
- if change passw: Management Studio sa user + mizuserver.ini + MizuManage login
Other optional optimizations:
Maxreroute=1 //only if 1 upper server is used
Checkmaxlines = 0 ?
Checkmaxlinetb=0 ?
Maxsessionspeechlen= 1000UL * 60UL * 60UL * 6UL
- MinRTP -> port range - from
- MaxRTP -> port range - to
-alternatelocalport -> set to a random port other then port in config. wizard
-alternatelocalportencrypt -> set to 3 (only encrypted messages)