Wiki -VoIP Topics

VoIP server upgrade

New software version are released
 periodically with new features or improvements
 or when a serious bug is found and fixed

The most frequently patched files are the followings:
mserver.exe -this is the main voip service executable
MizuWebService.exe -web interface (with embedded webserver)
MizuManage.exe -client application for configuration and monitoring
MizuManage_Install.exe -installer for the MizuManage (contains other -not so important- files)
xsp.stp -database upgrade

Each new software version of the mizu voip service is built to be as much backward compatible as possible.
This means that:
-old mserver.exe usually works fine with newer database structures (so you can go back to an older service executable without changing the database)
-new mserver.exe might work with old database structure (depending on the changes)
-old MizuManage usually works with new mserver and database
-new MizuManage might work with old database structure (depending on the changes)
-you should download and use new MizuManage or MizuManage_Install only if you also made an upgrade for the server (especially database structure). Otherwise you should use the MizuManage shipped with your server software.

To apply the upgrade, you have to do the followings:
1. backup the database and the old files that are going to be replaced
2. overwrite the old MizuManage and xsp.stp with the new ones [if you have received a new MizuManage and/or xsp.stp]
3. start the new MizuManage and from the Tools menu select Server setup -> Configuration wizard  [if you have received a new MizuManage and/or xsp.stp
4. on the Initialize page, check the "Apply upgrades" checkbox [if you have received a new, otherwise you should not change any settings]
5. click trough the wizard and select "Finish" to apply the changes  [if you have received a new MizuManage and/or xsp.stp]
6. Stop the mserver and the MizuWebService NT services [if you have received a new mserver and/or MizuWebService]
7. Replace the mserver.exe and the MizuWebService.exe (and any other files you have received)
8. Rename the last logfile
9. Start the mserver and the MizuWebService services [if you have received a new mserver and/or MizuWebService]
10. Verify if the new build works without errors (open the new logfile and search for "ERROR" and "catch" string)
11. If you have any issues with the new build, than rewet to the last version that was working



VoIP server