Steps for uploading your android softphone to google play (market):
- Register as a developer/publisher at (if you don't already have an account) and sign in with your Google account
Next, fill out all the required information along with your real phone number, which Google will use to contact you in the event of an emergency or a problem with any of your Android applications.
Click the Google Checkout button and pay the one-time registration fee ($99) if you haven't already paid this before.
Login to your publisher account
On the left side of the page click on “All applications” menu
Now your applications are shown. Click on your android softphone.
- Upload APK
Note: From August 2021 new apps must published as App Bundle, not as APK as described here. Skip this point.
A secondary or sub-menu appears on the right side of the page, click on “APK” menu.
Fill in all of the form data and include screenshots if you can and provide a short description. You can also choose whether you want to release it as a free or paid app – though you need to be a registered Google Checkout Merchant to do the latter and it’s currently only available in a handful of countries. Lastly, click “Publish.”
A secondary or sub-menu appears on the right side of the page, click on “APK” menu.
Click “Upload new APK” button.
- Upload Android App Bundle (AAB)
You can publish App Bundle in a similar was as APK. Just use one of the .aab file instead of the .apk.
You might upload the signed bundle (the appname.aab file) and supply the key details to Google Play or you might upload the unsigned bundle (the appname_Unsigned.aab file).
More details about app signing can be found here.
- Other details:
At Grow -> Main store listing you can review and edit how your application will look like in Google Play. Make sure that your app name and short description are on subject without spam keywords and the description correctly describes your application, otherwise your submit can be rejected.
Fill the Data safety form (from Policy and programs -> App content): Since for SIP you will use authentication, you must select that your app will collect username/password. Since the app will display the contact list, you must select also the "Contacts" data type.
You will need to set a Privacy Policy link (create such a privacy policy page on your website) or you might not filled all the required forms such as the Content Rating or Pricing and Distribution.
Disabled "Start rollout to production" button means that you haven't completed all settings yet. Check the left side bar and see whats greyed and there will be the problem. To see what is causing the issue, you need to hover your mouse over the gray checkmark and a popup will be shown.
Occasionally Google Play might display some warning regarding the target API level, size optimizations, native code, debug symbols and others. These are usually intentional, such as using low minSDK version to remain compatible with old devices, but we also optimize the app for the latest android versions.
You can safely ignore all these warning. Our app is well optimized and these warnings are false alerts.
If you will get a "Target API level" related warning on the Rollout page, you just need to close the popup and after that you should be able to continue.
More help:
Android Softphone