The Mizutech VoIP server offers a few different method for monitoring a troubleshooting:
Automatic error handling
The mizu voip server has a complex built-in error handling mechanism which will automatically solve most of the issues related to load, authetication, network and others.
However you might meet specific problems which can be solved only manually after checking the logs and statistics. These will be discussed below.
Automatic email and sms notifications
All admin and support users can get automatic email and sms daily usage statistics and alerts on server malfuntions
For this to work please check the followings:
-make sure to create an admin or support user with a valid email address (in case if you wish to receive email notifications) and/or with a valid phone number (for sms notifications)
-make sure that the notifications are enabled for this user(s). search for "email" and "sms" fields in the users and devices form (with the ... button). email is enabled by default
-make sure that the SMTP server used to send the email messages are configured properly. By default it will use mizutech email server for this. In this case, make sure that the outbound smtp port (TCP 25) is enabled on your firewall. If you would like to setup your own email server for this, you can do it from the configuration wizard or search for "email" on the configuration form.
-for the SMS messages to work, you must have an SMS gateway set (this is also useful if you would like to offer SMS capabilities for your customers)
-failure tresholds has medium values by default and can be modified from the configuration form (minasr, minacd, etc)
Basic and advanced Statistics
Current calls
Disconnect reason
Custom scripts and actions
You can setup custom actions for different events. This can be done from MManage -> Scheduled tasks or using a stored procedure from MS SQL management studio
Alerter -MSupervisor
You can run this application from any PC and it will constantly monitor one or more VoIP servers and will alert you about any issue (configurable)
Watch-dog service
The mserver process has a builtin supervisor wich will do some integrity and whelth tests periodically and will do the required action on test failure.
In addition to this builtin procedure, you can start the vsupervisor service.
The following settings are defined in the "supervisor" section:
CDR records
CDR records contains detailed informations about each calls including media information. By enabling the GeoIP module you will have even more information about each call.
Logs are stored in the application directory in files named date_vservdebuglog.dat. A new log file is generated each day and the trace level can be set from the global configuration (search for log).
To view large log files you can use Total Commander -> F3
Wireshark is a popular network sniffer that can be useful to analyze SIP and RTP traffic.
Download from here:
Mizutech softswitch