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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu WebphoneMizu WebphoneIssues with contact listIssues with contact list
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1/24/2024 8:38 AM

Hello Mizutech,

We are evaluating the webphone (version 3.8.23128 currently, the latest) for our cloud solution integration, and have few issues with filling its contact list from server for the purpose.

First, when we use server-side contact list (serveraddressbook_sync / serveraddressbook_url), the data is loaded but results in some internal webphone error and in the end is not set.

webphone: [11:35:53.562] EVENT, DownloadServerAddressbook response: (lists contacts data contents)
webphone: [11:35:53.562] ERROR, catch on plhandler: SaveTheContact TypeError: o.splice is not a function (o.splice is not a function)  class: lib_webphone.js:6:9489
webphone: [11:35:53.562] lib_webphone.js?jscodeversion=398 lib_webphone.js:6:9489
webphone: [11:35:53.563] EVENT, ParserServerAddressbook: 1 contacts added sucessfully

In the end, only voicemail default contact gets added (not from the server contact list).
The contact list is properly \r\n and \t separated, contains only names and numbers.
We tested with just 1-2 contacts like Test\t123\r\nTest 2\t345\r\n and it's still the same behavior.

Next, when we use webphone_api.addcontact, all non-latin characters, accents and special characters (commas, brackets, etc.) in names are replaced by "_" character, this behavior makes it tough to use non-latin people names etc. in the contact list. I.e. "Contáct (deskphone)" becomes "Cont_ct _deskphone_"... The encoding we pass is UTF-8.

Also we are searching for some way to force server side contacts resync when using serveraddressbook_url (but for now it's not even working at all).

New Post
1/26/2024 12:25 PM
We replied to this by email.
Waiting for your webphone log to be able to look after the problem,
Let me know if somehow you haven't received our email.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu WebphoneMizu WebphoneIssues with contact listIssues with contact list

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