Softphone, webphone and VoIP server Forum

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu WebphoneMizu WebphoneIntegrating Mizu Webphone Library API into React JS ProjectIntegrating Mizu Webphone Library API into React JS Project
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12/1/2023 5:38 AM


I am currently working on a React JS project and have integrated the Mizu webphone library by placing the Webphone folder in my public directory. I've utilized the softphone.HTML file within my React component through the <iframe> tag. However, I am now seeking guidance on utilizing the Mizu Webphone library's API directly in my React project from scratch.

Could someone provide insights or best practices on how to effectively integrate the Mizu Webphone library's API within a React JS application? Any advice on initializing the API and handling its functionalities in a React context would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

New Post
1/26/2024 12:32 PM

Please check the "How to use with React" FAQ point in the webphone documentation for the details about this topic.

If you have any further questions, please contact us by email at

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu WebphoneMizu WebphoneIntegrating Mizu Webphone Library API into React JS ProjectIntegrating Mizu Webphone Library API into React JS Project

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