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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizuDroid Andro...MizuDroid Andro...HELP!  Evaluating MizuDroid - can't keep SIP registrationHELP! Evaluating MizuDroid - can't keep SIP registration
New Post
6/26/2019 10:25 PM
I am evaluating the MizuDroid app as an Android VOIP phone replacement.  We have been using Fonality on-premise server ( since 2008, with great results.  However, I now have the need to eliminate some desk phones as we have a mobile Sales/Support staff that needs to use a SIP Smartphone device.

I have installed the MizuDroid app on my Samsung Note 8, setting the SERVER, SIP USERNAME, SIP PASSWORD.  I have been able to successfully Register the SIP device and make/receive calls, but I frequently lose the Registration and it is a struggle to get this connect again. 

I have also tested the Zoiper Android app, which does seem to stay connected a little longer, but has the same issue.  I would rather use MizuDroid, however, as I like the features much better.

Does anyone have any ideas?  Getting desperate!  I have reached out to Fonality, and everything is setup on their end, pretty straight forward.   
New Post
6/27/2019 8:26 AM
Is your SIP server behind NAT or on the public internet?

New Post
6/27/2019 11:10 PM
I will check (new IT Dept.). Do you have settings I can provide them? thanks!
New Post
6/27/2019 11:31 PM
As a test, the IT dept had me install X-Lite on my Laptop to see if there were any issues that way. X-Lite worked fine. I made several calls and the Registration was never disconnected.

Therefore, is the problem with my Android?
New Post
6/28/2019 8:48 AM
I need the answer for my single question to be able to provide a proper answer for you.

"Is your SIP server behind NAT or on the public internet?"

With other words: what is your SIP server address?

New Post
6/28/2019 5:53 PM
Sure, I don't mind providing the SIP server info but would rather not on this public forum.  Could you provide an email address for me to send it to?  

Or simply email me:
New Post
6/29/2019 8:36 AM
Received your email and my colleagues will answer from there...
New Post
7/7/2021 5:21 PM

It's 2021 and I am evauating Mizutech also and have been experiencing the same problem with keeping it registered with my Asterisk server via SIP.  In addition, when my Android 21+ rings with an incoming call (via MizuDroid) I have to prss a button to tun on screen, unlock, launch application in order to answer the call.  This is NOT a workable solution and I've read about others having this problem.

So......  I'm looking for a solution.  Either to fix MizuDroid or RELACE it with a differnet VoIP SIP application.  Suggestions anyon



New Post
7/23/2021 5:54 AM

We just released the new version which should fix this.
Please upload a log if somehow the problem still persists for you.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizuDroid Andro...MizuDroid Andro...HELP!  Evaluating MizuDroid - can't keep SIP registrationHELP! Evaluating MizuDroid - can't keep SIP registration

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