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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu SoftswitchMizu Softswitchto set up DID fron VOIP provider to ring an extension on MIZUto set up DID fron VOIP provider to ring an extension on MIZU
New Post
10/15/2022 1:29 PM


I have 50 DID number from my VOIP provider,

how to set one of DID to ring an Extension.

then how to send some of DID nuumber to an trunk to another sip server?

Best regards.


New Post
10/17/2022 7:59 AM

You will need to create a "Traffic sender" user for your service provider.

Then just created "Enduser" records with the Username set to the DID numbers and it will work by default.

See the details in the VoIP server tutorial.

New Post
7/23/2023 9:31 PM

I have the same thing. I have a account and a phone number by cheapconnect. How can I add this number to Mizu VoIP Server? 

If fill in the url username and password in Mizu droid. It start ringing. But when I fill it in in Mizu VoIP Server by traffic sender, I am not able to receive calls.


New Post
7/27/2023 4:27 PM

Your problems seems to be different.
Traffic sender is to receive traffic (to the Mizu VoIP server).
For your needs you will need to create a "SIP Server" user type with your cheapconnect account and add it to the Routing. Then the calls from endusers can be routed to this account.

Please check the details in the VoIP server tutorial.


New Post
7/28/2023 6:12 PM

Thanks for reply!

I understand. We have a SIP account voor calling outbound. But that same account is calling if  anyone calls from outside on that phonenumber. How can I receive that call by the Mizu server and route it to a user? If I create a enduser with the same username as the SIP account I get an error.

New Post
8/1/2023 1:38 PM

I get this anwer from cheapconnect.

Am I able to receive calls from them in Mizu?

We only work through a SIP trunk with a username, password and sip registrar server. We cannot send calls to IP addresses or SIP URIs

New Post
8/2/2023 9:04 PM
I have got it working! Everything rings😀
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu SoftswitchMizu Softswitchto set up DID fron VOIP provider to ring an extension on MIZUto set up DID fron VOIP provider to ring an extension on MIZU

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