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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu SoftphoneMizu Softphonebehaviour with Asterisk! behaviour with Asterisk!
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3/14/2014 4:40 AM
I am Using Asterisk 1.6 on CentOs 5.4. Trying to use Mizuphone on Windows pc.
I observed few points as below:
1. Mizu Register in Asterisk properly at time of User data save except port no.
I try to save user should always use port 5060. At time of setting save i can see Random port no used by mizuphone at Asterisk's sip Registration.
If i unregistered particular sip entity which used by mizu & same time if i stop & start mizu on Windows then at 2nd start i can see in Asterisk mizu's SIP entity used 5060Port as i want.
2. After successfully Registration of Mizu on Asterisk if i close Mizu from Windows, then in Asterisk's Console i can not see particular SIP entity Unregistered event. For that i have to use manual command.
3. All Settings saved as .dat file in Windows it difficult to read it by other application.

If i can get some comments regarding my observation from Mizu peoples then it will be helpful.
New Post
3/14/2014 6:51 AM
Thank you for your feedback.
We will check point 1 and 2 asap and will fix it in the next release if there are issues.
Regarding point 3: this will not be changed, because our intention was to "encrypt" the settings. This is necessary for example if users are using the softphone from a shared PC.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu SoftphoneMizu Softphonebehaviour with Asterisk! behaviour with Asterisk!

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