Softphone, webphone and VoIP server Forum

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu SoftphoneMizu SoftphoneIntegration possibilities: provisioningIntegration possibilities: provisioning
New Post
1/24/2024 8:56 AM

Hello Mizutech,

We are evaluating possibility of integration of Mizu Softphones in our cloud solution.

But we have a bit of specific requirement: we need to be able to provision softphone based on user parameters: provisioning server hostname (specific URL should be generated from it), user account name (not SIP account, but web one) and account password, the latter two should be sent via POST to the URL specified. Then the server either responds with the configuration for the softphone from there, including user name, SIP account credentials, etc., or responds with some error (i.e. authentication error). After successful authentication, the hostname, username and password should be remembered by softphone for logging in again automatically.

Is such scheme of initial authentication / configuration possible for the softphones?

This is i.e. how Zoiper provisioning works (but it requires provisioning file, not direct user entry), using of some preconfigured provisioning configuration file is okay, but it must authenticate and download the settings from server basically.

New Post
1/24/2024 8:58 AM
And another specific question: is it somehow possible to make softphone reload and apply new settings from server in the runtime, based on i.e. receipt of SIP INFO message with some 'reload' string. We i.e. have mechanisms where user name or extension can be changed online for deskphones.
New Post
1/26/2024 12:27 PM
We replied to this by email.
Please send email with any further questions/issues, we react much faster there then on this forum.
Let me know if somehow you haven't received our email.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu SoftphoneMizu SoftphoneIntegration possibilities: provisioningIntegration possibilities: provisioning

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