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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu SoftphoneMizu SoftphoneRemove Calls From Main Page?Remove Calls From Main Page?
New Post
10/7/2021 2:33 AM

Is there a way to remove one or more call entries from the Main Page? Similar to removing entries from the History Page.

Or, could this option be considered in a future release?


New Post
10/7/2021 10:41 AM

Also, the setting: Recents (Display recent contacts on the main page) is set to No, but no change.

This is on MizuDroid v.3.6.16

New Post
12/24/2021 9:44 AM
The "Display recent contacts on the main page" is only about loading the last contact list from your native call history. We should add an option to remove contact from the main page. Otherwise the unneeded contact should disappear automatically if you don't use it for a while or you might make some other contacts as "Favorites" to increase their priority.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu SoftphoneMizu SoftphoneRemove Calls From Main Page?Remove Calls From Main Page?

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