Softphone, webphone and VoIP server Forum

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu WebphoneMizu WebphonePlay sounds?Play sounds?
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1/25/2024 9:58 AM

Hi, I'm a software developer and I'm making softaware for a customer to call SIP speakers via a network phone (One Way). Your software is perfect for this, thanks for that and I have already progressed in programming.

I have two problems

1. I need to notice the sound after starting a SIP call. Like the tone of attention at airports. After that we start talking to speaker.

2. Can I play sounds that have already been recorded? So I need code examples for that cases

I would like to manage these with my own PHP/JavaScript program browsers. Buying a license will definy come up. Do you have a developer license? We don't need a server, because we have SIP server. Webphone software only.

New Post
1/26/2024 12:44 PM

Both of these can be handled with the webphone.

I sent an emai with detailed answers.

Please reply by email with any further questions or if you run into any issue.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu WebphoneMizu WebphonePlay sounds?Play sounds?

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