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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu SoftphoneMizu SoftphoneRingtone of end pointRingtone of end point
New Post
4/23/2014 7:03 AM
Hi Mizutech

First of the bat your softphone for android just works, unlike some of the other softphones out there. Thank you!

Having said this I have found a couple of bugs you could say. First when I dial into a conference call when I work from home and mute my phones microphone all audio is muted including what I want to and need to hear, When I make calls at home it is via my WiFi network so lots of bandwidth. Secondly when I do make a call I don't hear the remote endpoint ringtone and I've gone through the settings unable to fine where I can enable this.

Thank you again.

Phone model HTC One X 
Android version 4.2.2
MizuDroid version latest google play version

New Post
12/9/2015 7:01 AM
Thank you for the feedback. We are going to release a new version around January 10 and will try to fix both of these issues.
A log about the ringtone problem would help a lot (You can enable logs from the menu, reproduce the problem, then upload)
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMizu SoftphoneMizu SoftphoneRingtone of end pointRingtone of end point

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